Beech Grove The Grange was a branch of the Patrons of Husbandry, an association of farmers organized in 1867 to promote farm education. Beech Grove Grange was organized in 1893 by local farmers with eighteen charter members. They met for a time in the schoolhouse across the road. In 1900, an old grist mill which stood at the bottom of the hill became available. It was purchased for $40, dragged up the hill by a team of oxen, and remodeled. It stands today in fine condition and little changed since its move. The building was used for meetings, box socials, square dances, card parties, and ball games. Beech Grove Grange first exhibited at the Wayne County Fair in 1894 when it won $5.00. Its exhibits still take first prize as it had done so many times before. The Beech Grove Grange is a proud symbol of our agricultural heritage.
This page was one month of the calendar and was made possible through the Wayne County Commissioners and a Tourism Promotion Committee’s Tourism Grant.