Artistic Expression Then and Now, Paintings and Drawings from Wayne County Pennsylvania which spotlights twenty-three Wayne County artists. They are William Amptman, Howard Becker, Fritz Breidenstein, Jennie Brownscombe, Thomas Colbert, Juan Espino, Gabrielle Feldman, Carolina Franco, Dick Frisch, Lori Gearhart, Lindsay George, William Ham, Blanche Heller, Clara Keen, Ed King, Sandy Lattimer, Noble Ray, William C. Reif, Charlotte Rosler, Nick Stegner, Ann Marie Taylor, Kit Wray, and Dottie Kerber Zimmer. Several works by each artist are included along with their photographs and short biographies. An exhibition program is for sale in the Museum Shop. Click here to purchase the exhibition program.
The majority of the artwork has been in the museum’s archival collection and has not been exhibited for many years. Some pieces were recently donated to WCHS. Several pieces which have undergone restoration and cleaning will be included. The remaining works have been loaned by the artists themselves or their families. Dr. and Mrs. Jon Sternburg, William and Janie Reif, Pat Sheard, and Sally Talaga also loaned artwork. The donors and those loaning their pieces have made this exhibition possible. Thank you to all!
As part of this project, there were museum tours and gallery talks. Artwork was created by Wayne County high school art students, inspired by this exhibition. This program for the high school art students was made possible by a grant from the Wayne County Community Foundation. WCHS wishes to acknowledge and thank WCCF.
Several of the exhibition artists were present on April 29, 2023 to help celebrate the exhibition opening during our Spring Open House.
The History of Wayne County's Independent Pharmacies is also on display in the Main Museum. The exhibit displays archival perscription bottles, weighing scales, and apothecary containers from local pharmacies. The original research done by Sally Talaga about these early pharmacists is also on display.